Saturday, 28 July 2007

Hey guys!!
It's sue yee here..
not sure if you guys still rmb me nt..
yea, it's like how many mths since ive graduated.. (stretches out fingers to count)
*still counting
8 long months? -_-''
haven't really had the time to drop by, but you guys mux Kampatei kae?
NDP coming liao le.. for the guides contingent, make us proud kae?
march properly kae?
left, right, left, right..
yep, oso takkaires.. drinks lotsa water.. wriggle ur toes.. dun faint kaes? TC!!
If really cannot take it already... just fall out.. :x it's ok..
missing the school's briyani already.. :x
Miss ya guys! ms phua too..
missed me? =.=

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